Chris Mark and Sons, Inc. Contact Info

We at Chris Mark & Sons, Inc. know that your property is important to you. We believe that combining customer knowledge and professional service is the best way to achieve a beautiful and healthy landscape. This is why we have created the Chris Mark & Sons Weekly Blog.

This blog is to help you, our loyal customer, learn more about what it takes to get your property looking as beautiful as it can be. Our weekly bloggers are Massachusetts Certified Landscape Professionals, writing about their experiences right here on the job. Using the blog will help us to answer frequently asked questions and keep you as informed as possible.

The Chris Mark & Sons Blog is where our trained professionals will post tips and seasonal reminders.

Visit our blog regularly to find great savings on lawn and garden services as well.

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1270 Route 28A
Cataumet, MA 02534


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Friday, September 28, 2012

10 Reasons to Subscribe To This Blog

There are many blogs out there, even many landscaping blogs, but here are 10 great reasons for you to subscribe to THIS blog!

1. We are you LOCAL landscaping company. We know your lawn, we know the area, who know what to look for in our region. We've been serving the area for 40 years and within that 40 years, we have established great relationships with the local home owners and businesses.

2. Read this blog to stay informed! We blog on a weekly basis so you will get up-to-date landscaping information. If it's happening now, or should be happening now, you'll know about it!

3. You could learn something new! We blog about a wide variety of landscaping topics. Our services range from basic lawn maintenance to gardening and stone work. Subscribe to the CMS Blog and you are bound to learn something new!

4. Get reminders! Since we blog about what is current, you'll be reminded of what to do and when so that your landscaping stays as beautiful as the day it was installed. Our Fertilizing Managers blog regularly to keep you up to date on what is needed at certain times of the year to keep your lawn healthy and strong. Not sure when to spray for Winter Moths? We'll let you know!
When is the best time to prune hydrangeas? You'll read out it here!

5. Save! We regularly post coupons and savings offers on our blog. If you subscribe, you will get these offers sent right to your email! This way, you'll never miss a way to save on your landscaping needs!

6. Our bloggers are trained professionals! You can be sure to get the best information from our bloggers because they are Massachusetts Certified Landscape Professionals (MCLP) along with many other certifications in their field.

7. Like to do your own landscaping? You'll find great DIY tips here on our blog. Whether you read about a certain project or see a photo of something you'd like to do yourself; you'll find it here! 

8. Have a question? Our blog is a great place to ask it! At the bottom of each blog post, there is an area for comments. Feel free to comment or ask the professional! The best part is, our blog is open 24/7, so ask away!

9. We can give you ideas! Not everyone can think of everything they'd like to do to enhance their landscape, sometimes you need help coming up with ideas. That's what we're here for! Use our blog as a resource for your next landscape project!

10. Stay in touch! Don't have time to call during office hours? Leave a comment, we'd love to hear from you! 

To subscribe to the CMS Blog and follow by email, simply scroll to the very bottom of the page and click 'Subscribe to posts" you can also enter your email address to receive an email each time a new blog is posted! 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy Fall

Happy Fall!

This is one of the best times of the year to do projects in the landscape. Helping your grass recover from a long hot summer is ideal in September and early October. Lawn renovations, aerations and overseedings are ideal as there is much less competition from weeds and there is very little heat stress. We often get some decent help from mother nature when it comes to rain as well.

Gardens can be cleaned up pruned back and prepped for winter. In addition, nothing says fall like adding some seasonal favorites like mums, kale, and asters. These plants are more cold tolerant than traditional garden annuals and add some pop to your fading gardens. Dont forget the cornstalks, pumpkins and hay bales!

It's never too soon to get on the list for fall cleanups. The leaves are just starting to turn but before you know it we will hustling to get yards cleaned before the snow starts falling.

Chris Mark and Sons Landscaping can address these and any other landscape needs you might have . Drop us an email or give us a call and talk to one of our knowledgable staff members about your fall property needs.

Thanks for reading.

Brian Mark
Chris Mark and Sons Inc.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grass-cutting tips for a healthier, happier lawn

Here are some simple mowing tips to promote a healthier lawn:

Mowing is one of the most fundamental practices for keeping your lawn happy and healthy. Keeping your lawn short and attractive, however, is more complicated than just running a lawn mower over the grass; factors such as grass height, mowing frequency, and type of mower used play an important role in the health of the grass. In addition to looking good, the denser grass that results from proper mowing also aids in the prevention of weeds, diseases, and pests.

Cut off one-third of the grass blade
Cutting off more than one-third of the grass blades’ height hinders your lawn’s ability to grow and remain healthy. If you let your grass grow too high and consequently cut off more than one-third of the blade to get it to the desired length, you may damage the root growth—this forces the grass to grow slower and work harder to recover, leaving your lawn vulnerable to weeds, diseases, and pests.

In instances when your grass grows too tall, it is recommended to mow the lawn more frequently than usual and slowly reduce the cutting height until you reach the desired height.

Additional lawn-cutting tips to consider:
-  As a general rule, grass should be mowed more often in the spring (every three or four days) when it’s actively growing than in the summer (every seven to ten days) when heat or droughts slow growth.

-  Don’t forget that with any grass type, removing too much leaf mass stunts grass growth; the plant won’t be able to make enough food to maintain a healthy growth.

-  Try to cut your grass when the leaf surface is dry—this will eliminate clumping.

-  Occasionally vary the mowing direction to reduce wear patterns; grass leaves tend to lean in the direction they’re cut, so mowing from different angles will reduce wear on the lawn.

If you mow your lawn frequently enough to keep it healthy, you should be able to leave any resulting clippings in the grass. Clippings are generally good because they decompose quickly and return nutrients to the soil, with a few exceptions: if your lawn has a disease or contains a lot of weeds, or if a large amount of clippings is produced, it’s best to discard clippings until the grass is healthier.

If you have any questions, comments, or would like to add to this Blog please feel free to drop us a line through our website or on our Facebook page.


Tom Bowers MCLP
Chris Mark and Sons, Inc